financial risk fitness gmbh
Landsberger Straße 98 - D-80339 MunichPhone +49 89 46139112 -
financial risk fitness is providing dedicated training services to industry professionals interested in enhancing their financial risk management skills.
financial risk fitness specializes in organizing and conducting on and off site seminars to corporate professional staff, suiting the seminar duration and training content to match the clients´ needs of enhancing their competencies as professional financial risk managers.
The Seminars are Case Study based and demand Group Activities as they resemble live situations in the corporate world. All Cases are drawn from real situations that have occurred in the global financial markets during the last 20 years. In specific situations and there where requested by the clients, the Cases will be augmented by lecture series, albeit with a very Practical and Applications oriented slant. The introductory courses tend to be characterized by deeper theoretical curricula in order to enable participants to gain full introspects into the topics´ complexities.
At the end of the Seminars, participants will have gained additional skills and knowledge on risk management topics and will have accessed the necessary concepts and tools to leveraging their acquired “know-how” for solving real live problems in a state of the art fashion for their Institutions.
In addition to Corporate Seminars, financial risk fitness organize and provide preparatory courses for risk professionals seeking to take the GARP (“Global Association of Risk Professionals“) FRM® (“Financial Risk Manager” Certificate) Examinations.